Warmly celebrate the Fifth Medicine Forum of Arthroscopy sports - 新闻中心 - 北京凯斯普医疗器械有限公司,牡丹江等离子体物理应用科技有限公司
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Warmly celebrate the Fifth Medicine Forum of Arthroscopy sports

更新时间:2013-10-23 11:18:15 点击次数:5889

The Fifth Medicine Forum of Arthroscopy sports and Classes which is sponsored by the section of the Chinese Medical Association of Sports Medicine,Beijing Arthroscopic Study Group,the Joint Branch ofMilitary Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Arthroscopy and hosted by the Center of Sports Medicine Arthroscopy of Beijing General Hospital of PLA was hold at 17th floor of conference center of surgical building in Beijing General Hospital of PLA in March 18-20,2011 successfully.
At the same time,the forum also give enterprises of medical device a chance to show medical devices in the related fields of new technology,new productc,new equipment.In line with the conference,our company especially display CASP hydrogen peroxide low temperature plasma sterilizer in the exhibition area provided by the forum.
The orthopedic specialists around the country paiticipating in the forum come to visit our company’s exhibition area,giving a high appraisal in the practical application of the sterilizer.